
The snow is melting, and spring is in the air!

Spring means the school carnival. Our classroom is in charge of building a Superhero theme basket. We have a basket in our room to collect donations. You may send them in at anytime.

Next week in Reading, we will be reading on the search for comparative language and strategies that authors use.

In Writing, we will continue with our poetry unit. We have been talking a lot of living “wide awake” looking for poetry ideas all around us, all day long. Help your 2nd grader bring awareness to all of the ideas hiding in plain sight.

Math next week will take us to subtracting with money. Now that we have mastered 3-digit subtraction, we are hoping for an easy transition.

Specials Schedule:
Monday: STEAM
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Gym
Friday: STEAM

Monday: Music
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Gym
Thursday: STEAM
Friday: NO SCHOOL!

Room 35 Update

This is the time of year that things start picking up! Here is what we will be up to in class and upcoming events headed your way.

One School, One Book will be revealed tomorrow. Your youngest or only child will come home with a copy of the book and a schedule for reading! Mrs. McClure will be reading the first chapter aloud live on facebook @6pm on Monday. 


Readtothem.org shares that, “The benefits of reading aloud are remarkable! Studies have shown that reading to children helps them to listen better and longer, build better vocabularies, understand concepts better, feel positive about both books and learning, and more. When an entire school reads the same book, the buzz and excitement around the book being read increases these benefits, and there is the added joy of building community in the school family.”  This is not to mention the added benefit of spending real quality time with your children while promoting the benefits of reading and school!

Carnival will be on Friday, April 12th. Our classroom basket theme this year is Superheroes! 

Early Release is this Friday. Please let me know if your second grader will need a sack lunch.

In Reading we are amping up our reading power to read bigger books. As we begin to read chapter books, the complexity of the story increases. When you are reading at home, be sure to stop and retell the story often.

Poetry will be our focus in writing this month! We will have fun playing with words and studying authors throughout this unit.

Subtraction is on our plate in math. We are learning many methods of subtraction and will eventually settle on our favorite. Keep practicing math facts at home!

Specials Schedule
Monday: Gym
Tuesday: STEAM
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Art
Friday: Art

Monday: Gym
Tuesday: Steam
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Art
Friday: Gym