Monday Memo 5.21.18

Memorial Day Program– The program honoring our country and the people who have fought for our freedom begins this Friday @9:30. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to invite Veterans. Second graders are WEARING BLUE!

PET DAY– We will be having a classroom pet day on Thursday, June 7th from 1:45-2:15. Everyone is welcome to have a parent/grandparent (with a valid background check) bring a pet (on a leash/or otherwise contained) for our class to meet. On this day you will sign in, in the office and head out to the back of the playground.

LOOK for field trip details coming home today!

Weekly Update

Our countdown has begun. We are officially in the home stretch of 2nd grade.

I will keep you posted via REMIND of all upcoming events and reminders. Visit here to sign up.

Field Trip permission slip and money is due Friday, May 25th.

Our Memorial Day program will be Friday, May 25th @9:30. We ask that all second graders wear blue on that day. Everyone is welcome to join us on the playground for the program.

Reading Counts ends on May 21! I have been so impressed by how we have grown as readers this year!

All library books are DUE on May 31!

Be sure to sign up for our Summer Reading Program

What is it?A chance for students to continue working on literacy skills throughout the summer using school resources.

Where is it? Alward Elementary Library

What to Expect? There will be multiple activities for students to complete with their parents! They can check out library books, take Reading Counts Quizzes, read out loud to their parent/s, and participate in Genius Hour (STEAM activities provided). Alward teachers will be present to help with activities and answer any literacy questions you may have! Students who participate in the S.R.P. will have the chance to celebrate their hard work with an ice cream sundae party when we return to school in August!

When is it? Select Wednesday this summer from 9:30am-11:30am. Parents must attend with their children. Come and go as you please. June 13, 20, 27 July 11, 18, 25

That is all for now, but I will be sure to keep you posted!

Monday Memo 5.7.18

This week begins our reentry into non-fiction. We will be reading and writing in this genre for the remainder of the year. Thank you to everyone who has sent in their animal research! If you haven’t sent it in, please send it in as soon as possible.

We are wrapping up unit 6 in math this week. We will review on Tuesday and take the test on Wednesday.

Our field trip to Hughes Park and Hudsonville Lanes will be on June 1st. All parents are invited and welcome. More details to come.

Literacy Night is tomorrow! Stop by to register for summer reading, shop at the book fair, and try dunking me in the dunk tank!

Half Day this Friday!

Please keep sending in plastic tops. It is amazing to see how many we use and rewarding to know recycling saves them from the landfill.